Reviews are not updated automatically

If you are using the PRO version or our Google reviews WordPress plugin, your reviews should be updated automatically, once a week. The update cycle should start from the day of your plugin activation.

If this for some reason does not work, it most likely is due to our wp cron being deactivated for some reason. To fix this, simply follow these steps:

  • Deactivate the plugin
  • Activate the plugin again
  • Search for your business again
  • Click the ‘Pull reviews’ button
  • Click on ‘Save changes’

This should set the wp cron schedule newly and make sure that your Google reviews are updated automatically once a week, starting from today.

Please keep in mind: in order for the wp cron logic to work, your website needs at least some visitors each day. If nobody visits your site on a given day, the WordPress core will not execute the wp cron logic. Hence, your reviews will not get updated automatically. If your site does not have enough regular visitors, consider scheduling a real cronjob on with your webhosting provider. This could be as simple as ‘request my website URL once every day at midnight’ or something like that. Your webhosting provider will help you setting this up.

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